h2.date-header { font-size: 12px!important; } SmallJB's Investment : March 2014

Friday 28 March 2014

My Very First Blog

Hello everyone, this is my first blog about investment. A quick introduction: In 2011, I was graducated from Singapore Poly with Dipolma in Electrical Electronic Engineering (EEE). EEE is  not my top choice that I wanted study during poly time. I was quite interested in Business course, but due my lousy O Level, I only can get into Engineering course. But still manage to pass my dipolma and secure a place in NTU to study EEE. I am glad that I have studied EEE instead of Business course, because some of my friends who study Business course didn't manage to go into local University as it was very difficult to get in and Diploma results need to be very good in order to secure a place at local uni.

After hearing from people around me saying that invest in stock market is a quick way to make money instead of putting in the bank which give super low interest. I started to read/study books that are related to business or finance. Due to the face that I don't have any Business or Finance background, the only thing I have learnt is Principle of Account which teaches Profit and Loss and balance sheet.  So everything I have learnt is either from Books or YouTube videos.

When I was enlisted to NS, I start to read more investment books in the camp whenever I have free time. I didn't really enter into the stock market until one year later due to lack of knowledge and fear of losing money.